About Us

The Men of Color Action Network (MOCAN) is an active support network, which advocates for California Community College Men of Color, while focusing on the systemic (academic, political, social) change needed to cultivate a learning environment that optimizes the success of male students of color.  Men of color in higher education face various hurdles which include housing insecurities, food insecurities, transportation concerns, stressful life-events, and employment barriers that negatively impact their degree attainment and college success. Cross-campus partnerships, institutional efforts, and culturally relevant activities are being implemented throughout California Community Colleges to increase the success for men of color.


In 2018, Compton College, El Camino College, Santa Monica College, and several other institutions started a collaborative effort to develop an annual conference that would bring men of color together from community colleges across Southern California.  Through the conference, students, faculty, staff, and administrators have the opportunity to learn about best practices, learn from each other, and network.  

The conference that has been attended by hundreds of students and student service practitioners over the last four years is not only free of charge for all attendees, but over the last couple of years, students have been awarded scholarships for attending the conference.  Through the years, the men of color involved with MOCAN have had the opportunity to learn from each other’s best practices.  As a result, several student support initiatives have been implemented to meet the needs of men of color at the community college level.


The Men of Color Action Network (MOCAN) is an active support network that advocates for, provides resources to, and cultivates a community for diverse male students, faculty, staff, and administrators of color at California Community Colleges. MOCAN focuses on addressing systemic changes needed to foster an environment that optimizes the success and well-being of California Community College Men of Color. 


MOCAN’s vision is to enhance the holistic experiences and outcomes of California Community College Men of Color. We will actively remove barriers, transform instruction and services, and raise critical consciousness in order for male students and professionals of color to realize their power and achieve their personal and professional goals.


It is also essential to understand that we do not directly serve students on our affiliate campuses. Instead, we work with the professionals who serve them. To that end, we know the power of professional development and upskilling campus workforces. The skills we impart allow professionals to work with all students, regardless of sex, race, color, or national origin.